Food Safety Management

Need Certified Food Protection Manager Credentials? Become a Food Safety Expert With Trust20

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Trust20 Contributors • 2 minute read

Trust20 is thrilled to announce that our Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) Exam and Food Manager Training are now available! There are two ways to interact with Trust20’s food manager products, making it easy for operators, managers, and persons in charge like you to choose the road to food safety certification that’s best for you.

The first, Trust20’s CFPM Exam, allows you to earn certification by demonstrating the skills and knowledge of a Certified Food Protection Manager through an online remote-proctored exam that is accredited by the American National Accreditation Board (ANAB)-Conference for Food Protection (CFP). Our proctoring organization, Meazure Learning, makes it easy to book a session that fits your schedule, and you’ll find out your results immediately after submitting your CFPM exam.

The second, Trust20’s Food Manager Training, is an excellent tool for anyone needing to complete a food manager training course, new managers, or someone looking to refresh their food safety expertise before scheduling their CFPM exam. The digestible modules and real-life scenarios make retaining information easy. Before starting your learning assessment, you can start, stop, and go back throughout the course as often as you’d like from your laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

While this course has been developed independently of any and all Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) exams, it is a great way to prepare and study for the CFPM exam experience.

It is important to note that our Food Manager Training DOES NOT result in a certification–completing the course and passing your learning assessment results in a certificate of completion. 

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 600 million–almost one in ten people globally–fall ill after eating contaminated food, and 420,000 die each year.1 This staggering number is one of many reasons that operators, managers, and other leaders in foodservice require a deep knowledge of food safety. 

Trust20 created our food manager products to make earning your CFPM credentials more approachable throughout your foodservice career. The CFPM exam is a straightforward way to sit for a testing session–without needing to find an in-person proctor–and find out your results immediately after you submit your exam. The Food Manager Training consists of ten interactive modules that help managers and shift leaders learn about threats to food safety, how to approach training for food handlers on their team, Food Safety Management Systems, and much more.

Stephanie Russell, General Manager of Trust20, said, “Trust20 wants to see a foodservice industry that is respected, well-rounded, and knowledgeable. We’re excited about bringing certification into our product offerings because it means we can support people in yet another stage of their foodservice careers.”

You can now purchase access to Trust20’s Certified Food Protection Manager (CFPM) exam for $90 and the Food Manager Training for $90 at

In addition to our food manager products, Trust20 also offers an ANAB-accredited Food Allergy Certificate training and an ANAB-accredited Food Handler Certificate training.


  1. WHO: Food safety
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