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Food Safety in Indiana: Do I Need a Food Manager Certification?

Learn about the food safety training and certification requirements in Indiana.

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How Do I Keep My Business Open After a Health Code Violation?

Feeling the sting of a health code violation? Get back on track with Trust20's guide to navigating the process and getting back to business as usual.

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Handling Raw Food: Should I Wash Meat For Food Safety?

Many foods and surfaces should be washed to prevent cross-contamination, but is raw meat one of them? Learn the best practices for washing TCS foods.

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Everything You Need to Know About Food Safety at a Farmers Market

Looking for tips on food safety at a farmers market? Here’s how to stay happy and healthy when buying or selling local food at your local markets.

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Foodborne Illnesses: When Do I Need to Call the Health Department?

If your food safety practices fail, you may have to call the health department. Review how you learn about an outbreak and when to call the ...

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What is the Best Way to Store Utensils to Prevent Cross-Contamination?

Learn the best tips and tricks for properly storing utensils to prevent cross-contamination and protect your customers from foodborne illnesses.

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Opening a Food Truck: What You Need to Know for Food Safety

Thinking of opening a food truck business? We'll walk you through the ins and outs of food safety regulations for food trucks in this guide.

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Waste Not, Want Not: Effective Waste Management in Foodservice

Waste management in the food industry isn’t just a matter of sustainability but also cost control and business. Learn tips for food waste management ...

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When and How to Clean and Sanitize Food Contact Surfaces

Whether you're a seasoned chef or a new food handler, you must know how to properly clean and sanitize food contact surfaces between each use.

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Food Safety Regulations: A Brief History of the FDA and Beyond

Learn where the FDA got its start and explore the milestones that have shaped the way we protect our plates in this history of food safety ...

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